Search safety of journalists

Search for "safety of journalists" returned 7 matches

Exile Media Forum 2024 and Young Exile Media Forum on 15 and 16 October 2024 in Hamburg - Reports

6th International Conference on Exile Journalism

Presumption of innocence, right to be forgotten, defamation, and the right to report - Reports

This e-book aims to highlight a series of critical issues introduced by the most recent interventions of the Italian legislator that put at risk the right of citizens to be fully and correctly informed.

Media Freedom in Italy: contribution to the EU Rule of Law Mechanism - Reports

Increased political influence over the public service media RAI, growing threats and intimidations against journalists and a slow reform process of the defamation regime are among the key development related to media freedom recorded in the past year in Italy

2024 EC Rule of Law Report: EU Accession Countries and Member States on Equal Footing, Civic Space Threats Overlooked - Reports

The report provides an analysis of the European Commission’s Rule of Law Report on Accession countries prepared by the association Balkan Civil Society Development Network

2024 Rule of Law Report - Country Chapter Montenegro - Reports

Montenegro adopted a comprehensive legislative package in June 2024 to bolster media pluralism and freedom in line with EU standards. The legislative packages aim to grant the Agency for Audiovisual Media Services (AAVMS) greater autonomy and enforcement power. Improvements have also been noticed in how the authorities respond to reported violence against journalists, but there remains a lack of effective judicial action, specifically in past cases

2024 Rule of Law Report - Country Chapter Croatia - Reports

Media Freedom, pluralism and the Right to Information are legally safeguarded in Croatia. However, skepticism persists regarding the independence of the Council for Electronic Media and the public service broadcaster, HRT. Media ownership transparency remains a challenge and SLAPPs targeting journalists are a growing concern

Research on the Pressures on Local Media in Serbia (July 2022 - May 2024) - Reports

Published in Serbian, this study is conducted by “Lokal Pres'' and funded by the National Endowment for Democracy. It provides a comprehensive analysis of the pressures faced by local media in Serbia over the period from July 2022 to May 2024